17 sustainable switches for a minimalist kitchen

17 sustainable switches for a minimalist kitchen

Reducing our plastic consumption is all about awareness. Once you start seeing the small changes you can make, and how easily you can make the switch, it will be a no brainer. And best of all, reducing your single use plastic consumption saves you time, and money in the long run as well as being better for the planet. We now know that very little of what we recycle, actually gets recycled, so the more we can do to lessen our dependence on plastics, the better for our health and the health of the planet. 

Here’s a few areas to start making changes in today. 

produce bags

At the grocery, bringing your own produce bags is huge, so you don’t have to use the plastic ones. . For produce bags I recommend these, from utility zero waste.

grocery bags

You can buy reusable bags at any grocery store, I love these market bags for a minimal aesthetic. They are great for farmers markets too. I like to keep all my produce bags contained in my grocery bags, folded within themselves so theres just one bag that I grab, kept in the car so I don’t forget them. 

imperfect produce 

I’ve been a huge fan of imperfect for years now! They work with local groceries to eliminate food waste, and do it at more cost effective prices. They offer options for produce, meats, dairy, dry goods. Also I love that its a delivery service, so It cuts our grocery trips in half.

farmers markets 

another great option to go more zero waste is shopping locally. We’re lucky to have incredible year round farmers markets all over the city in Portland, but if you’re elsewhere, do your research. Support local farmers + less waste involved. Look at local co-ops as well.

buy bulk 

You can find everything in bulk these days. Grains, nuts, dried fruits, nut butters, so much amazing stuff! Cut the plastic waste, and bring your own containers too.

organized pantry glass jars


Once you get the bulk foods home, store them by decanting into a glass jar. You can reuse old pasta jars or any other glass jars that can be up cycled. Alternatively, you can choose one of the options on my favorite organizing products list for a minimal aesthetic.



Great way to cut down on food waste + create fertilizer for your plants + garden. All you need are compostable bags + a small container for the kitchen, like this one.

non toxic cleaning with branch basics 

my go to for cleaning everything in the kitchen, also extremely minimal as all of the cleaning products are made from a single concentrate. Just fill up the glass bottles in the starter kit, and go! Use code TMM at checkout for 15% off!

refillable dish soap

from utility zero waste, if you’re local to portland check them out for pop ups around town. A great introduction to zero waste living, by refilling the products you use daily, instead of buying a new plastic bottle each month.  

dishwasher detergent 

Again, locally I recommend utility zero waste. If you’re looking elsewhere, do your research on local zero waste companies.


Reusable metal or glass straws, instead of plastic. I love these glass ones by HAY



Bamboo or metal utensils instead of plastic.I like to keep a set in my car for on the go eating, or dining in the before times. 

reusable towels

reusable cloth towels instead of paper towels and reusable cloth napkins as well. I recently discovered a hack from the orange house that I love. She tie dyed her reusable paper towels to cover up the stains. You can check out my DIY on my instagram. The reusables I use are from Marley’s monsters, an Oregon based company. 

glass food storage

Choosing glass over plastic Tupperware. Pyrex makes a great glass and silicone line, mason jars are super great for grains, soups, and general storage. I also love weck jars because they’re super multipurpose and stackable. Even Ikea has a lot of great glass/bamboo options that are very affordable. 


With single use plastics like plastic wrap, Beeswrap is a great alternative that can be used for food storage. They do have to be refinished or repurchased eventually, but much less waste involved than traditional plastic wraps.

stasher bag

the ziplock alternative. the stasher bag is a silicone bag offered in a variety of sizes that are oven safe, freezer safe, microwavable and incredibly versatile. They make them in a variety of shapes + sizes. You can use them for food storage, lunch, or for trail snacks. 

bento boxes

Metal, ceramic or bamboo bento boxes are great for kids lunches, metal thermos and metal water bottles as well. I love the ceramic bentos by ekobo and glass storage by porter. I love hydroflask for the variety of styles and options available. 

If you’ve enjoyed these recommendations, please download my fav organizing products list here!

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