what does it mean to be a minimalist?
what does it mean to be a minimalist?
Being a minimalist means being intentional with the items you surround yourself with, resourceful and when purchasing, being a conscious consumer.
Benefits of being a minimalist are a less stressed existence, being more eco conscious, a deep understanding of oneself that is unattached to your things, and the ability to fully experience the things that truly matter in life: experiences and people.
When you aren’t dependent on the never-ending cycle of shopping to find a temporary happiness, you see life differently.
So, where do I begin?
You can begin by minimizing your wardrobe, your beauty regimen, your kitchen. In konmari we traditionally start with clothes, but do what speaks to you.
Start with something small, attainable in a day and go from there. I’m all about the #tmmtinywins. Head over to the gram and you’ll see what I mean.
Are there required items to be a minimalist?
I don't believe theres a single item that everyone needs, outside of fulfilling basic survival needs. Most things are subjective to ones lifestyle.
“get intentional.”
On a daily basis you can practice minimalism by getting intentional about purchases that you make. Questioning the attachment you have to the items in your home, and how you truly feel about the items. The more we question our attachments, the more we can evolve. rewire those attachments, and create more room to grow.
Quick tips to get started.
Buy local, quality over quantity. Second hand whenever possible. Buying things that you need, not impulsively or emotionally.
Research, Research, Research.
Research the companies ethical practices, the materials they use, the ingredients in the products.
Whats the catch?
The only downside I’ve found is the process never ends. I still find myself pairing down items each season. I rather enjoy letting go of items, so its a ritual each season.
“We can always live with less. ”
Inspired to get started? Download my tmm checklist + vision exercise to get started on your minimalist journey today.